Monday, February 25, 2013

Research Paper R17eflection

    I felt that this paper was difficult when we were researching and containing information. You had to be specific with yourself on whether you needed certain cites. Also one factor that played in to whether the cites were useful was if they supported your thesis or answered your research question. After you had the information to obtain those two things everything wasn't that difficult. Honestly you just had to organize and tie your information together with the right formatting and guidelines. Next time I write this paper I will know not to procrastinate and make more notecards. I hate to say this, but I think you (Dr. D) did as much as you could to help us succeed on this paper, work time, optional conferences, comments on rough draft, peer review, and we were aware of the assignment and due date way in advance.
    The comments I got from peer review and you (Dr. D) was mostly that I needed to cite my in text information. Also that I needed to clear up some of my statements that didn't display information or facts clearly.
    My paper seems to be strong in tying my information, paraphrasing, and quotes in to my text to support my thesis statement and to answer my research question. The weakest point was probably the quality of my citations. Although most of them were from databases, some were from uncredible authors and websites.
   There is nothing else to add.

2/20/13- 50 min (edditing my paper and correcting it with my peer review comments and your comments)
2/21/13- 30 min (adding a conclusion and fixing my citations in abc order)

Nervous Conditions
2/17/13- 30 min (page 35-57)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Reading and Paper times

Nervous Conditions 2/8/13- 120 min (pages 1-34)
Reviewed my paper, added my conclusion, and formatted it in MLA 2/17/13 -40 min

Total- 160 min

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Anotated Bibliography

1/30- Found my last source on Ebscohost and cited it
1/31- Annotated my last source (30 min)
2/2- Formatted my Works cited on to word (20 min)
2/3- Double checked over all reflections, summaries, and evaluations (20 min)
2/4- Turned in to turnitin